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The Family Blessing Blueprint

Blessing is the Key that Empowers Children to Prosper and Fulfill their God-given Destinies

We are excited for you to be a part of this course, and are expecting miracles to take place in your life and within your family. This fun interactive series will open your understanding to the power of generational blessings through out the Bible and how you too can experience the faithfulness of God in your family as you practice and apply the truths shared. 

As you start your journey towards implementing  a culture of blessing in your family,  we will be praying for you. This 23 week course will cover :

¨ How to Regain Authority in the Seven Mountains that Influence Society

¨ How to Create A Culture of Blessing

¨ Seven Critical Stages of Life Requiring Blessing

¨ Eight Adult Life Patterns Resulting from a Lack of  Blessing

¨ How to Receive the Blessings that Were Not Imparted Earlier in Life

Each participant will receive a notebook for note taking during the video presentation. It also includes assignments to practice through out the week. 

You can preregister by completing Registration Form or calling the office at 503-420-4612 

There is a $75 registration fee per person, $150 per couple.

Flexible payments can be made if necessary. Please contact the office to make arrangements.

Family Blessing Blueprint Series Registration

How did you hear about this series?
Will You Need Childcare?

 We are fulfilling God's call to "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel."  We are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ and loving one another as we have been loved. 


177 SW Oak St

Dallas, OR 97338

(503) 420-4612


Thanks for submitting!

House of His Presence

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