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Gatherings and Growth 


Worship and the Word

Join us Sunday mornings.

10:30 am

We gather to worship, grow in God's Word, encourage one another and serve with our unique and specific gifts for the edification and growth in love of the

 body of Christ.


Women of Joy


Join us at 6:30 pm

This joy filled time is rich in love, laughter, and spiritual  growth in God's Word and fellowship. Women are learning how to live in mercy, compassion, truth and love as we contend for our faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Food, Fellowship and Foundations


Join us again this fall as we restart  this wonderful time of food, fellowship and growing in the word  of God together.


Intercessors Prayer Kingdom Men
Embrace Grace

Intercessors Prayer

Meet in the prayer room 


Please use Prayer Room Entrance


Kingdom Men

Join us at 6:30pm

This powerful time of prayer, personal reflection, spiritual growth and fellowship is life changing.  Men learn to have God's Kingdom vision,

purpose, and  honor.


Embrace Grace

Join us at 6:30pm

This is a group for single, pregnant young women. 



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